Using MS polymers for exterior joinery

What are MS polymers?
MS polymers are a type of adhesive that uses Modified Silicone (MS) polymers as a base or additive.
Main uses
MS polymer adhesives are highly versatile and are widely used across various industries, including building and construction, automotive, electronics and optics. MS polymers have become increasingly popular for exterior joinery, due to their versatile high performance properties.
They are safe to use on many surfaces, including wood, metal, plastic, fibreglass, stone, tiles, rubber, varnish, undercoats, porcelain, epoxy, polyester panels, stainless steel and concrete.
Weather resistant
MS polymer adhesives are durable, weather-resistant and flexible enough to withstand temperature changes, humidity and other environmental factors.
They are a reliable solution for exterior joinery, as they are able to maintain their elasticity in extreme temperatures and will not crack or lose their adhesion in harsh weather conditions, ensuring that joints remain secure and strong over time.
Durable strong bonds
Unlike most adhesives which form bubbles, making the bond weaker, MS polymer adhesives do not release CO2, so there is no bubble formation, allowing for smooth application and a strong bond for exterior joinery.
Good sealant
All MS polymer adhesives have the ability to seal and bond. They are such good sealants, they are often used instead of silicones and are very reliable for exterior joinery.
One of the key benefits of using MS polymers for exterior joinery is their versatility. They can be used for a variety of applications, including fixing window frames. They are also easy to apply and cure, making them ideal for fast-paced construction projects.
Suitable for damp surfaces
MS polymer adhesives have good resistance to water, can be used on damp surfaces and even underwater, making them ideal for exterior joinery in all weather conditions.
Most silicone adhesives contain hazardous solvents, which can cause harm to the user and damage the environment. Some silicone adhesives can even cause skin irritation and respiratory problems.
In contrast, MS polymer adhesive is a modified adhesive and does not contain any harmful silicone, solvents, or isocyanates. It is Low VOC (volatile organic compounds), user-friendly and environmentally-friendly. MS polymers are one of the safest adhesives on the market and it comes well recommended for joiners and the environment.
Most silicones, other sealants and adhesives will repel paint. This does not happen with MS polymers, which can be painted over with water-based and acrylic paint.
As it can be used on a wide range of substrates, it makes it extremely suitable for your exterior joinery projects.
Stainless appearance
MS polymers have distinct advantages over other adhesives and sealants, which when used on exterior surfaces, can appear yellowish after time and end up breaking down, which affects the adhesion. This does not happen with MS polymers. It provides excellent stainless results for exterior joinery and even works well on sensitive surfaces like marble and stone.
High grab
In contrast to other adhesives which require a clamp or other devices to hold the substrates in place during curing, MS polymer adhesives boast a very good grab and often do not require a clamp, making exterior joinery projects easier.
Consider curing time
Although there are different variations of MS polymer adhesives, which have different cure times, it’s worth considering that MS polymer adhesives and sealants require moisture to cure, so if there is a lack of moisture or not enough airflow, the adhesive will take longer to cure.
Not as strong as other epoxy adhesives
Although some MS polymer adhesives are strong enough to be classed as structural, the maximum strength you can typically achieve from MS Polymers is 5Mpa, compared to other epoxy adhesives which can achieve tensile strengths of more than 25Mpa.
Hard to clean
Some users may find it hard to clean excess MS polymer adhesives from the substrates, as they are typically very viscous and have high grab, which means it instantly sticks to the surface and can be difficult to remove.
High viscosity
With MS polymers being highly viscous, you may find it difficult to work with a manual applicator and need a non-manual applicator. Some users also find it harder to extrude the adhesive from the packaging compared to other adhesives.
Redwood recommends
With over 15 years’ experience, at Redwood, we have found MS polymers to be an excellent choice for exterior joinery due to their weather resistance, durability, high grab and user and environmental safety. They provide a reliable and long lasting solution for securing doors, windows and other exterior joints, and play a crucial role in ensuring their stability.
At Redwood, we take the time to understand your specific requirements before we recommend a reliable adhesive solution. Contact us on 023 9223 3310 or email