The effects of hot weather on your adhesives

With the UK reaching record-busting temperatures, it’s important to be mindful of the effects excessive heat will have on the adhesives you’ll be using for your projects, particularly if the job is being executed in an outdoor or non-temperature-controlled environment.
We asked some of our adhesive experts how to store adhesives correctly and why proper storage is critical.
Why you should store your adhesives correctly
- Prevent the product from drying out or curing, making it impossible to use
- Prolong its shelf life
- Maintain high quality and appearance
- Maintain performance: although the adhesive may appear to function well when first applied, it may fail to retain its specified bond strength
- Ensure worker safety when handling, mixing and applying the product
- Save money
- Reduce waste
How to correctly store adhesives
This will depend on the type of adhesive you are using. You should always check the packaging and stick to the manufacturer’s recommended storage requirements to preserve your adhesive effectively. But here are some useful tips to remember:
Store in a cool area
As a general rule, adhesives should be stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area. Usually, temperatures above 50°F and below 120°F are acceptable. During periods of hot weather, special consideration should be taken to how lower temperatures can be maintained, as some adhesives may require refrigeration.
Keep out of direct sunlight
Storing glue in direct sunlight will raise its temperature and change its composition. For the best results, you should avoid subjecting your adhesive to extreme heat.
Store somewhere dry
Storing your glue in a cupboard will keep it dry, as well as protect it from fluctuating temperatures. As adhesives are activated by moisture, you could also place your glue in a zip lock food bag, or in a jar with silica gel, to help lock out moisture and preserve your glue.
Put the lid back on tightly
Remembering to screw the lid on tightly will prevent evaporation and your glue drying up. It will also keep moisture out, as water from the air will also cause the adhesive to thicken and solidify. If you put the lid on loosely, you will experience the same issues as if you left the lid off completely.
Prevent hardening
Cleaning the top of the glue bottle after use will prevent the build up of hard to remove glue. Simply wiping it with some kitchen roll will mean you don’t resort to poking a needle into the top, which pushes dry adhesive back into the bottle and affects the quality.
Keep adhesive in its original packaging
If you decide to transfer the adhesive to a different container, you run the risk of the glue setting once it comes into contact with the air. This can be avoided if you keep the adhesive in the original packaging.
Check specific storage requirements
To ensure safety, users should check the product’s MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or SDS (Safety Data Sheet) as it is often referred to, and adhere to the specific storage requirements.
Other issues to be mindful of during hot weather
Solvent entrapment
When you are spraying solvent paint, the solvent has to evaporate from the paint as it is drying. In hot weather, the paint can skin over before it has all escaped, and the solvent ends up getting trapped under the surface as the paint hardens, resulting in a poor finish.
How to spot solvent entrapment
Solvent entrapment can be identified by blistering (the presence of bubbles below the paint surface, which feels like sandpaper) and pinholes (small, deep holes).
How to prevent solvent entrapment
To prevent solvent entrapment, slow the drying process down by adding more thinner or a special thinner (or retarder).
For support on storing adhesives correctly, call our experienced team on 023 9223 3310 or email