Blue Jelly – A ‘Coming of Age’?!
As Blue Jelly enters its 21st year of trading the old adage of ‘Coming of Age’ couldn’t be more relevant… FY22 was a significant year of change for the business as an investment in both Management Structures and Personnel took effect and the evolution of the business began.
2022 finished in a furious flurry of activity which saw record months for the business in terms of both orders booked and invoicing culminating with an amazing 8 wins in 10 days during December. Blue Jelly is breaking new ground and setting new standards for itself as we enter FY23.
The success has been across the business and across revenue streams with significant advances with existing clients, new end users, PM and professional teams as well as Landlords & Developers. It has been based on some strong existing foundations and a new burgeoning culture and energy from within the business – our people are most definitely our strongest asset.
This has provided us with the perfect platform for 2023 – a year in which we will continue to ‘quietly’ impress our clients, suppliers, and staff and ‘loudly’ tell those that don’t know us exactly who we are and what we are about – a trusted, creative, D&B company with great people who love what they do.
Whilst there are those that are looking ahead to 2023 with uncertainty and trepidation we are looking forward with optimism and hope – we are making positive changes to our business and can help you do the same for yours.