We are carbon neutral!
We’ve become Carbon neutral!
Having already smashed our recycling targets year on year, going Carbon Neutral was the next natural step for Blue Jelly.
We believe that all companies have a responsibility to help rebuild nature. Remember in 2020 when the rainforests were on fire, just before the pandemic hit? Large amounts of rainforest were lost in South America, Africa, and Australia due to fire, not to mention the vast areas across the rest of the world that have been lost to deforestation. These forests are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is vital to slow climate change. CO2 emissions trap heat in the atmosphere (greenhouse gasses) which contributes to smog, air pollution, extreme weather, food supply disruptions, and increased wildfires when they are out of balance.
The construction industry on a global scale was responsible for 39% of the energy and process-related CO2 emissions in 2018. We felt we could make a difference by becoming carbon neutral. Carbon Neutral Britain assisted with our calculations and helped to work out how much carbon Blue Jelly produces. The process looks at everything, from the refuse and recycling in the office to the way that we travel to work and meetings.
By offsetting we are supporting the woodland fund. They run various projects around the world which are all attributed to at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The projects in reforestation in Nicaragua, Uganda, Australia, and Hydro Power projects in the Andes to name but a few.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, then please get in touch with Carbon Neutral Britain to see how they can help you, and help the world.
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