New Sales Manager – Jay
Jay recently joined the Blue Jelly team and hit the ground running.
His skills and experience in sales have been a great addition to the growing team, so let’s find out a little more about him.
Name: Jay Balkhu
Job role: Sales Manager
Tea or coffee: Coffee
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Favourite job you have worked on: Timeline Television – Chiswick Park
Favourite element of your role: Seeing a project go from initial meeting to becoming a client & case study.
Best thing about this industry: Having a solid team is the key to being successful in this business. From the initial client meetings through to the project being appointed, designed, and finally installed, everyone has an opportunity to showcase their talents and that makes me feel proud to work with such an awesome group of people.
Favourite TV show/film: Game of Thrones, I’m still not over the fact that Jon Snow didn’t make it to the Iron Throne
If you are looking to update or move your workplace completely, get in touch with Jay to see how he can help you