70th Project Celebrations
A few weeks ago we handed over the keys to a brand-new workplace in Southampton. It was a momentous occasion, not only because it was a new workplace for a client we had previously located some 12 years ago, but because it marked the 70th project ‘joint-venture’ for our dynamic duo of Andy and Nigel!
We caught up with Andy and Nigel to find out what makes them the dream team.
How long have you both worked at blue Jelly? Nearly 20 years, but we worked together before that too. In total, we’ve worked together for about 27 years!
Why do you think you work well together? We are both quite calm, very much family orientated, with similar values and work ethics.
What has been your favourite project you have worked on together? There are 70 to choose from, so picking one is tough. We are proud of every single one we have done.
Why do you enjoy working together? Yes, we both come from trade backgrounds, so we know what it takes to complete a build properly. Because of this, we trust each other and it makes working together really easy.
What other projects do you have on the horizon for this year? We have just finished Irwin Mitchell in Southampton, and now it’s on to projects in Bournemouth and Reading.
Do you have a target of how many you’d like to complete together? No, just bring on as many as possible!
Nigel’s role as Contracts Manager at Blue Jelly begins as a project is ready to be implemented. At this point, he becomes the client’s main point of contact from ‘lead in’ to completion and, finally handover. The ‘CM’ manages everything, working closely with the client and site manager. Having been with the business since 2004, he’s seen his fair share of workplace transformations.
Andy is one of our Site Managers and has completed well over 100 projects for us. We know we can rely on him to not just get a job finished, but to exceed our client’s expectations. Day to day he works with the Contracts Manager and is the point of contact for the Sub-Contractors we have on-site, he ensures everything on-site runs smoothly and correctly.
Any workplace is in safe hands when Andy and Nigel are involved.